Modify, edit, or change a report

This topic describes the techniques you can use to modify an existing Access report. Access provides two views that you can use to make changes to your report: Layout view and Design view. Your choice of which view to use depends on what specific task you are trying to accomplish. You might end up using both views to make your changes.

What do you want to do?

Understand Layout view

Layout view is the most intuitive view to use for report modification, and can be used for nearly all the changes you would want to make to a report in Access. In Layout view, the report is actually running, so you can see your data much as it will appear when printed. However, you can also make changes to the report design in this view. Because you can see the data while you are modifying the report, it's a very useful view for setting column widths, add grouping levels, or performing almost any other task that affects the appearance and readability of the report. The following illustration shows a Customer Phone Book report in Layout view.

The report you see in Layout view does not look not exactly the same as the printed report. For example, there are no page breaks in Layout view. Also, if you have used Page Setup for format your report with columns, the columns are not displayed in Layout view. However, Layout view gives you a very close approximation of the printed report. If you want to see how the report will look when printed, use Print Preview.

Certain tasks cannot be performed in Layout view, and require you to switch to Design view. In certain situations, Access will display a message telling you that you must switch to Design view to make a particular change.

Understand Design view

Design view gives you a more detailed view of the structure of your report. You can see the header and footer bands for the report, page, and groups. The report is not actually running in Design view, so you cannot see the underlying data while working; however, there are certain tasks you can perform more easily in Design view than in Layout view. You can:

The following illustration shows a Customer Phone Book report in Design view.

Switch between views

Access provides a variety of methods for switching between views. If the report is already open, you can switch to another view by doing one of the following:

If the report is not open, double-click the report in the Navigation Pane to open it in Report view. To open the report in another view, right-click the report in the Navigation Pane and then click the view you want on the shortcut menu.

Note: If you are modifying a report in which you have used Page Setup to create multiple columns (for example, a mailing label report), you can only view the columns in Print Preview. When you view the report in Report view or Layout view, Access displays the data in a single column.

Modify your report in Layout view

This section describes some of the common report modifications that you can perform in Layout view.

Change column or field width in Layout view

  1. Click an item in the column that you want to adjust. A border is drawn around the item to indicate that the field is selected.
  2. Drag the right or left edge of the border until the column is the width you want.

Change row or field height in Layout view

  1. Click an item in the row that you want to adjust. A border is drawn around the item to indicate that the field is selected.
  2. Drag the top or bottom edge of the border until the row is the height you want.

Add a field in Layout view

Note: To add multiple fields at once, hold down the CTRL key and click each field in the Field List that you want. Then, release the CTRL key and drag the fields onto the report. The fields will be placed adjacent to each other.

Understand control layouts

Control layouts are guides that align your controls horizontally and vertically to give your report a uniform appearance. You can think of a control layout as a table, where each cell of the table contains a control. The following procedures show you how to add, remove, or rearrange controls in control layouts.

Control layouts come in two varieties: tabular and stacked.

You can have multiple control layouts of either type on a report. For example, you might have a tabular layout to create a row of data for each record, and then one or more stacked layouts underneath, containing more data from the same record.

Create a new control layout

Access automatically creates columnar control layouts in the following circumstances:

On an existing report, you can create a new control layout by doing the following:

  1. Select a control that you want to add to the layout.
  2. If you want to add other controls to the same layout, hold down the SHIFT key and also select those controls.
  3. Do one of the following:

Access creates the control layout and adds the selected controls to it.

Switch a control layout from tabular to stacked, or from stacked to tabular

To switch an entire layout from one type of layout to the other: